Mobile, wearable and ubiquitous systems have a pivotal role in today’s society and daily life. Research and innovation in these domains has the potential to unlock important new applications and open the door to a better understanding of their use.
Building on the success of the previous symposiums, the venue this year supports discussion and presentation of research within the UK mobile, wearable and ubiquitous systems community.
We solicit the submission of one page presentation abstracts. The work described can range from mature published recent ideas to more preliminary contributions on the following general topics:
Submissions of one page presentation abstracts will be reviewed and selected for oral presentation based on scope as indicated above. Preference for presentation will be given to early career researchers in the case of too many submissions. A subset of the submissions may be invited to be presented as posters. All presented submissions will be published on the programme website (
Further details on how to submit will be published in due course.
The Symposium will take place at the University of Edinburgh, UK, specifically in the Informatics Form, the home of the School of Informatics (history, Google Maps). Further details on rooms and timings will be made available in due course.