Event Location: Management School, Lancaster University
Maps: Campus map, interactive Maze Map
Dinner: Top floor of Infolab in the Sky Lounge
11:30 | Registration |
11:55 | eXtended Reality and Passengers of the Future Opening and Invited speaker: Stephen Brewster Session Chair: Nigel Davies I will present our work into improving passenger journeys using immersive Virtual and Augmented Reality (together XR) to support entertainment, work and collaboration on the move. In Europe, people travel an average of 12,000km per year on private and public transport, in cars, buses, planes and trains. These journeys are often repetitive and wasted time. This total will rise with the arrival of fully autonomous cars, which free drivers to become passengers. The potential to recover this lost time is impeded by 3 significant challenges:
XR headsets could allow passengers to use their travel time in new, productive ways, but only if these fundamental challenges can be overcome. Passengers would be able to use large virtual displays for productivity; escape the physical confines of the vehicle and become immersed in virtual experiences; and communicate with distant others through new embodied forms of communication. I will discuss our solutions to these challenges, focusing on the visual aspects. We are: developing new interaction techniques for VR and AR that can work in confined, seated spaces; supporting safe, socially acceptable use of XR providing awareness of others and the travel environment; and overcoming motion sickness using multimodal countermeasures to support these novel immersive experiences. |
12:40 | Lunch |
13:15 | Paper session 1: Federated Learning and Efficient Learning Session Chair: George Roussos Protea: Client Resource Profiling Engine for Federated Systems. Wanru Zhao, Xinchi Qiu, Javier Fernandez-Marques, Pedro Porto Buarque de Gusmão and Nicholas Lane. Combining Compressive Sensing with Deep Learning for Efficient Ubiquitous Computing Inference. Alina Machidon and Veljko Pejovic. Pollen: High-throughput Simulation of Federated Learning via Resource-Aware Client Placement. Lorenzo Sani, Pedro P.B. Gusmao, Alex Iacob, Wanru Zhao, Xinchi Qiu, Javier Fernandez-Marques, Nicholas Lane, Yan Gao. REFL: Resource-Efficient Federated Learning. Ahmed M. Abdelmoniem. |
14:15 | Cryoegg: a mobile wireless sensor platform for exploring sub-ice environments Invited speaker: Elizabeth Bagshaw Session Chair: George Roussos Increasing temperatures are causing increased melt on the Earth’s glaciers and ice sheets, which must be tracked and quantified to understand how ice will respond to future climate change. Yet collecting and returning data from beneath kilometres of ice is challenging: cabled connections stretch and eventually break, access points are limited, and there are few power sources. We have developed a ‘Cryoegg’ to address these challenges – a low-power wireless sensor platform that can be deployed through a narrow borehole or opening, collect data and transmit through up to 3.5 km of ice. Cryoegg uses very high frequency radio (Wireless MBus) and is optimised to collect and return data for up to a decade. The egg is mobile, so can collect distributed measurements from subglacial drainage networks that will be used to understand flow beneath the Greenland ice sheet. This talk will report results from testing in various sub-ice locations, including the 3.5 km deep East Greenland Ice Core Project borehole, and outline plans for future development. |
14:55 | Coffee Break |
15:15 | Paper Session 2: Security and Privacy Session Chair: Nicholas Lane Analysis of Android and iOS modded apps ecosystem. Luis A. Saavedra, Alastair R. Beresford, Hridoy Sankar Dutta and Alice Hutchings. Protecting Privacy in an Era of Pervasive Camera-Based Devices: Challenges and Potential Directions. Yaxiong Lei, Shijing He, Huining Feng, Kaixing Zhao, Mohamed Khamis and Juan Ye. Advanced Threat Defense with In-Network Traffic Analysis for IoT Gateways. Mingyuan Zang, Changgang Zheng, Lars Dittmann and Noa Zilberman. Exploring the Use of Trusted Hardware in Mobile Apps. Jenny Blessing, Alastair R. Beresford and Ross Anderson. |
16.15 | Patents, what are they and why are they important to companies Invited speaker: John Samuels Session Chair: Nicholas Lane A patent is a form of intellectual property, which grants to the owner an exclusive right to prevent others from using that product or process as defined by the claims. Patents are important to companies because they can be a great source of revenue but they can also potentially disrupt your business if patents are asserted against you. Litigation in the pharmaceutical and telecommunications space resulting in potential damages in excess of $1B, illustrates the need for companies to maximise their own R&D capabilities to realise patent portfolio’s. |
16:55 | Comfort Break |
17:00 | Paper Session 3: Activity Recognition and Time Series Machine Learning Session Chair: Nigel Davies Self-supervised Learning for Human Activity Recognition Using 700,000 Person-days of Wearable Data. Hang Yuan, Shing Chan, Andrew P. Creagh, Catherine Tong, David A. Clifton and Aiden Doherty. Online Continual Learning for Human Activity Recognition. Martin Schiemer, Lei Fang, Simon Dobson and Juan Ye. Robust and Private Multimodal Federated Human Activity Recognition. Alex Iacob, Pedro P. B. Gusmão and Nicholas D. Lane. Uncertainty Estimation for Sequence-to-Sequence Regression on Sparse Time Series. Sotirios Vavaroutas, Ting Dang, Emma Rocheteau and Cecilia Mascolo. |
18:00 | Dinner. Top floor of Infolab in the Sky Lounge |
Event Location: Management School, Lancaster University
Maps: Campus map, interactive Maze Map
Dinner: Top floor of Infolab in the Sky Lounge
09:00 | From the GUI to ChatGPT: a historical sketch of HCI research agendas and their applicability today Invited Speaker: Richard Harper Session Chair: Sarah Clinch Bill Gates has recently remarked that ChatGPT-4 is as revolutionary as the GUI was thirty years ago. Will it be? To assess that claim I want to trace the connection between the HCI research that lead to the GUI and the research that needs to be done with large language models and their chatbox interfaces today. I will explore how interactions with GUIs and LLMs have basic properties in common - various kinds of abstract notions about content (in the case of GUIs about the things represented graphically and in the case of LLMs, the thing being modelled); how these abstractions are also engineered into the systems themselves; and in their ‘aboutness’ to put it in Peirce-like terms, i.e., what they are for, being visible and known to both users and engineers alike. In the case of the Xerox GUI, this aboutness had to do with document editing; with LLMs it is, in my view, still evolving and unclear, even contested. These assumptions may be said to constitute the grammar of action with GUIs and LLMs. Having explored these and other grammars of action with computer systems, I will suggest the grammar of action with LLMs need further development, and that without HCI research in this regard the revolution that Gate’s alerts us to is unlikely to be the one he expects and nor with all the benefits he seems to imply. Research for this presentation derives from the preparation of Richard’s latest book, The Shape of Thought’ (McGill Press). |
09:40 | Paper Session 4: Sensing and Networking Session Chair: Jagmohan Chauhan Towards Precise, Ubiquitous and Real-Time Positioning. Alejandro Blanco and Mahesh Marina. Understanding the Quality of Body Movement by Leveraging WiFi Sensing. Xijia Wei, Fangzhan Shi and Shuang Wu. Efficient Mobile Network Drive Testing with Deep Generative Modelling. Chuanhao Sun and Mahesh Marina. |
10:25 | Coffee break |
10.55 | 6G Vision and Sensing in 6G Invited speaker: Rahim Tafazolli Session Chair: Mahesh Marina The talk will present an overview of 5G roadmap and present a distinct vision for 6G that is expected to be available in market in 2030+. A number of important technologies will be presented that require new thinking and solutions such as; Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces, Internet of Senses, Integrated communication and sensing, THz imaging and positioning, high quality time synchronisation, AI/ML , Massive MIMO and important role of Satellite communications in 6G era. The talk will also present how combination of these technologies will enable teleportation which open up completely new type of applications and use cases. |
11:35 | Paper session 5: Mobile Health Session Chair: Mirco Musolesi MMLung: Moving Closer to Practical Lung Health Estimation using Smartphones. Mohammed Mosuily, Lindsay Welch and Jagmohan Chauhan. hEARt: Motion-resilient Heart Rate Monitoring with In-ear Microphones. Kayla-Jade Butkow, Ting Dang, Andrea Ferlini, Dong Ma and Cecilia Mascolo.
Long-term participant retention and engagement patterns in an app and wearable-based multinational remote digital depression study. Yuezhou Zhang, Amos Folarin and Richard Dobson. Vital Sign Extraction from Abdominal Audio Signals. Jake Stuchbury-Wass, Erika Bondareva, Kayla-Jade Butkow, Sanja Scepanovic, Zoran Radivojevic and Cecilia Mascolo. |
12.35 | Lunch |
13:45 | Digital technology to assess real-world mobility: challenges, solutions and lessons learned from the Mobilise-D technical validation study Invited Speaker: Tecla Bonci Session Chair: Mirco Musolesi Self-reporting questionnaires (individual's perception) and clinical tests (what they can do) are frequently used to evaluate patients who have mobility limitations; however, these are sometimes affected by a lack of sensitivity, limiting their value in clinical practice. Real-world, ongoing mobility measurements are required for new insights into healthcare issues that augment current mobility metrics. In this scenario, wearable digital technology has the ability to measure and monitor real-world mobility outcomes. However, a thorough technical validation study is first necessary to provide a set of algorithms capable of accurately estimating such outcomes from the collected wearable data, particularly when aiming to inform therapeutic development, clinical practice, precision medicine, industrial development, and stakeholder approval. Challenges, solutions and lessons learned from the Mobilise-D (Mobilise-D) technical validation study will be presented in this talk. |
14:25 | Paper Session 6: Interaction, Perception and Robots Session Chair: Sarah Clinch Serendipitous Interactions via Freezones. Andrea Baumann, Peter Shaw, Ludwig Trotter, Michael Harding and Nigel Davies. See through Smoke: Real-time Scene Perception and Navigation on Smart Firefighter Helmet. Peize Li, Qiyue Xia, Xiangyu Wen and Chris Xiaoxuan Lu. Oxidizing Robots: Advancements of Rust on Android. Daniel Hugenroth and Luis A. Saavedra.` |
15.25 | Close and Announcement of MobiUK 2024 (Nigel Davies) |